Man, Where Do I Begin? I think life became pretty tough for me starting at the age of 3. Sometimes I feel I can make a movie out of it! But over time, I've learned how to turn my past and present circumstances into something beautiful.

How Did I Turn the Lemons into Lemonade?
I knew that despite what was documented from my life, it was up to me to change that around and use as fuel to keep going and become better every day! I had to really learn to find the good in any circumstance and move by faith. As long as I continued to fight and move forward, I could get through any and ALL things and achieve whatever goals and visions I had for my life.

If you're looking to start turning life's lemons into lemonade, you must first shift your mindset.
Start your day with reciting daily Affirmations as a jumpstart.
Exercise (at least 30 min per day) helps to reduce stress and increase endorphins.
When stressed, Light a candle & Write it!